What the spell check mist.
The proof is in the pudding.
Autocorrect and spellcheck may be a Godsend to many, but has it left us sloppy with our grammar and spelling?
Social media is riddled with equal quantities of grammatically challenged and grammar snobs, but it's much more significant to ensure that your company's communications contain no typographical or grammatical errors. Instilling confidence that your business cares about the details starts with first impressions.
An accidental typo is not only embarassing, it can be extremely costly. A famous example was when an American edition of Yellow Pages mistyped a Californian travel agency advert with 'erotic' rather than 'exotic' locations. Yellow pages offered to waive their fee, but the agency sued for $10 million instead.
The solution is simple. Proof, proof again and proof once more. Your graphic designer will run checks, but it's notoriously difficult to spot errors on a job you're working on. Specialist proofers are worth their weight in gold.
So, have MAD ever been caught out? Yes, many, many moons ago, and the lesson was learned the hard way ... a recipe page was added in to a lifestyle magazine at the eleventh hour to fill a space when an advertiser failed to provide an advert. Speedy typing and the fear of missing the press deadline can partly excuse why the tasty toffee dessert became a desert... proving that the proof really is in the pudding.