The first rule of SEO Club...
Search Engine Optimisation: the key to a successful website design.
So, you've finally had you website designed to perfection, it sings, dances, washes the dishes and even predicts next week's winning lottery numbers... BUT – and yes, there's always a but – can anyone find your website on Google?
Getting ranked on search engines is notoriously difficult. SEO experts hide in darkened basements practicing their dark art, spurred on by heinous quantities of RedBull, ProPlus and prayers to the Google Gods... but does good SEO have to cost the earth?
A well designed website should include many things to set you in the right direction. Content is King and there are many 'spells' that can be performed without having to summon the credit card demons. Keywords slotted into the correct locations, headings with relevant content and correct use of code can work wonders on a newly launched site. But (yup, another one), if you are competing against the big boys with desirable and generic terms such as 'Website Design Ayrshire'*, getting to page one in Google can be rather more complex.
Pay per click and sponsored links are one way to guarantee a high listing, but MAD have a few other tricks up our sleeves to push your website up without a daily hit on your pocket. We could tell you here, but... well... you know the first rule of SEO club...
*At the time of publishing this article, MAD had recently relocated to Ayrshire and just started in-house SEO on the term Website Design Ayrshire - it's on page 5, position 3 - will update soon to demonstrate position creep).